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5% no longer the highest annual rate across the capitals. While still a high rate of annual growth, Sydneys annual rate of capital gain is now at a 29 month low and has been progressively softening since peaking at 18. 4% in July last year, Mr Lawless said. Melbournes housing market has been more resilient to slowing growth conditions which has propelled the annual growth rate to the highest of any capital city, with dwelling values 11. 0% higher over the past twelve months. Previously, during the height of the growth phase, there was a large separation between Sydneys housing market, which was streaking ahead, and Melbournes, where the rate of capital gain was substantial but still well below the heights being recorded in Sydney. The latest data reveals Sydneys housing market is now playing second fiddle to Melbournes, at least in annual growth terms. In fact, over the past six months, the performance gap between Sydney and Melbourne is stark. Sydney dwelling values have reduced by 0. 6 per cent between July last year and the end of January 2016, compared with a 3. 0 per cent rise across Melbourne dwelling values.
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It is the symbolic, or pretend, games that are most important in the context of the development of imagination. Piaget argues that while mere practice play begins with the first months of life and symbolic play during the second year, games with rules rarely occur before stage II age 47 and belong mainly to the third period from 711 ibid. : 142. Piaget theorizes that from ages 4 to 7, symbolic games begin to lose their frequency, but continue to appear in the same intensity. From the age of 7 to 11 or 12, symbolic play declines and games with rules social games emerge. According to Piaget, symbolic play takes place mainly from about age 2 to 7. Singer and Singer 1990: 32 agree that imaginative play emerges toward the end of the childs second post partum year, struggles fitfully toward a flowering well into the third year, and in the fourth, fifth, and sixth years is a significant factor in the childs behavioral repertory. However, they claim that while Piaget seemed to suggest that imaginative play fades by the early school years as operational thought takes over, we shall suggest that it is merely submerged in the interest of the changing demands of school decorum and other social pressures ibid. In their view, it is not an internal psychological force that propels the shift, but external ones. Recognizing the developmental importance of the imagination, Singer and Singer propose that our human stream of consciousness emerges gradually in childhood from childrens play and from their pretend games ibid.
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